Digital Marketing

SEO For Dummies: Making SEO Easier For Newbies [Comprehensive Guide]


The Internet is a place that offers diversity. It’s about being abrupt and rapid changes. If you are new to this internet arena and yearning to learn about SEO. Then, the SEO for dummies is something you should be looking at. As the arena of the internet is ruled by the one who optimizes it the best.

When you are talking about this virtual world. It’s important to recognize the importance of internet marketing.

How can you really do internet marketing for your business? Well, you can do it through the use of SEO and what matters is how you achieve higher ranking for your website.

The question which would be revolving in your minds would be something like this:

What is SEO & Ranking on Google?

Yes, you are here with the right question. What is it really? SEO is the optimization we do for organic search results.

Also, the Search engine optimization ranking is something that we all are not familiar with. Let’s see it through an example. When you search on “Google” or “Bing” or any search engine.

What basically comes after you press the enter tab are the results for your queries.  Here is a screenshot for a search term “best series on netflix“.

You can see that the search results are displayed in the form of No.1, No.2, No.3, and so on. So, this is what the term rankings mean when you talk about search engine optimization rankings.


I hope that the first basic question is clear in the mind of the readers. So, we can get into the further details of why is it really the big deal in 2019.

Why everyone is talking about it so much. Wasn’t it important in some of the previous years?

Why is SEO essential in 2019?

Its a really good question to start why is it important? It’s important mainly because of one and only reason. For the user, Google is making it important because it’s serving its users.

If you want to know why? Well, the answer lies in this example.  Let’s take an example of any business model, eBay, Amazon, Walmart, etc. What are they striving for every day even if they are the big names?

They are making sure nobody enters the competition so they focus their efforts on optimizing their business, so their customers value them. But when we talk about small businesses how can small business SEO work?

Well, the answer lies ahead in the coming portions of this meaningful read.

Similarly same is the case with google it’s turning up updates every day and improving its algorithm for better results for its users.

As you can see in the image below that it’s all about the intent of the user. How the user is interacting with the search engine.

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Google has done one and the only thing placed its ultimate investments for the user.

Getting to know its user better than ever through continuous technological advancements.

SEO is done basis on the end-user. If its experience is better it will be shown out through this, what they have been able to do is, make the user experience better.

Now,  I hope that the question is quite clear in your head. Because it’s important for the new learners out there. SEO for dummies is the way forward. Let’s talk about the most important thing which would be going in your head is the next question.

How Can You Achieve Top Rank on SERP?

Being, new in the field. You will hear this question a lot of times. Let’s talk about the question of the hour on how to achieve the rankings for any website? Many sites have gotten good rankings by trying this service but it all depends on what goals you want to achieve with your rankings.

This question contains all the confusions but the solution lies in the SEO for dummies guide. Let’s just get into it.

Search engine ranking is not an easy thing, its just about making continuous efforts. If you stop at one point in time.  You can lose the rankings which you might have achieved through your efforts.

Therefore, before talking about any other question let’s dive right into the core of it. What is really needed to learn before even understanding it?

Its not a one day thing, its a continuous process

Once, you are on board with this thing the next thing in line is the importance that search engines have placed on the user experience.

There is much SEO for dummies guides out there. But you have to just learn the basics out of it. But becoming a professional on your own scale is a challenge. You have to experiment with yourself.

You have a business you got to understand your customer’s needs before you jump into any other thing.

Especially the small business SEO, as they are newly born so need to learn before they go about making SEO work.

Because you develop a site without having any knowledge of how a user is interacting with the search engines you might need to re-evaluate it all together.

Understand your audience and its study its interaction with search engines

Lastly, before going into the jargon of SEO you have to make sure that you do very thorough research on your competitors and their presence on the search engines.

User matters, But for your search engine rankings, you have to develop something that beats your competitor.

Study your competitor and its presence on search engines

So, these were some of the major points which you need to understand before diving into the strategy that goes about making you rank on the no.1 position.

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In order to rank, these are the following methods which you need to utilize for making your search engine optimization success:

Keyword Research Defined For the Ranking

Well, what’s a keyword? Its what you enter as a query into the search engine for which the relevant results and pages are displayed.

If you have understood what is a keyword, you can go about doing research of those keywords for your business to understand how basically a user is interacting with the search engines based.

If you have a business that is quite well known and its in your strategy you can go for branded keywords and some of the non branded keywords.

Like we can take an example of  “Gucci”. When I will search Gucci on the search engine they will display the following results. So, it means they have targeted this keyword:


So, it can be seen that they have targeted this keyword. They also have used the non branded keywords for ranking on the search engine.

So, it’s important that we realize the importance of keywords and utilize it in our SEO strategy. After the keyword research comes to the importance of content.

Content Being the “King”

No matter what website you own, if your page is a service-oriented page or blog posts.

Google has listed content to be the most important ranking factor for your rankings on search engines.

For the new ones out there. SEO for dummies pertains to the most relevant factor here. “Content” intent is the thing which you will understand with time passing in the field. Keep a close on it.

Therefore, it’s pretty clear that the content should be of high quality. But how can we ensure that content is high quality?

We can ensure it by making it grammatically correct, proper subheadings, writing in the active voice, short sentences and shorter paragraphs.

What will this ensure? This will improve the readability factors for SEO optimized content. Here is how the SEO content should be like:

seo-content So, if you have ensured that your content contains the following elements then you job is pretty much done.

All you have do is update it according to the time. If your content is not up to date, then it will definitely create a bad user experience. So, better optimize it.

Optimize URL’s of your site

When you look at a site URLs play a very important role for the search engines as well as the readers of the site.

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If they are well optimized it will play a major role in your search engine ranking. So, what contains a well-optimized URL.

The things which need to included are short, user-friendly, without spaces. Here is an example of a user-friendly URL.


Well, its quite clear that the site must contain a URL that is easily readable to the user and it should also contain your keyword for which you want to rank on.

So, definitely a lot of importance is placed on it. Think about it from a user perspective and every SEO element will make sense more easily to you.

Optimize Title and Meta-Description

Let’s talk about one of the major factors which search engine have placed their interest in.

Title and meta descriptions are the most important factors when it comes to rankings. According to the major SEO sources and professionals.

They have utilized the practice of optimizing the content and pages with the right title and meta description.

So, a newbie like you or myself can take many things from SEO for dummies. Because the learning process never ends. Similarly, you have to understand the importance of title and meta description.

They have outranked the other sites in competition. What google suggests for an optimized title and meta description is the following word count: 60 words in the title and 160 to 170 in the meta description.

If we exceed the following limit the word beyond the prescribed limit won’t be visible on the search engines.

Secondly, it’s highly recommended to use your keywords in both sections.

Through this, we understand that how the SEO principles work and how they about making rankings an easier job for every reader.

Here is an example of an optimized title and meta description for the readers:


If you see an example for tech scopy you will realize how we have made it SEO optimized and will make our own way for the top rankings on search engines.

Let’s conclude this amazing read with the following remarks that the SEO strategies are always defined by testing, evaluating, and making another strategy for improving its productivity.

So, hope that this SEO for dummies guide would serve the purpose and be an enlightening experience for the newbies in the field out there.

Hence, it’s very important to use the following points for your optimization. But at the same time, you need to make your way forward with the testing according to the situation your business is in.

Therefore, do the decision making after getting the information and go about making your SEO rank on the No.1 position really worth it.

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